Diabetes: Its symptoms & treatment with Ayurveda

Jessamyn Stanley needs you to know what yoga is really about - and it's not the poses. In her new book Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance, the yoga instructor and body activist shares reflective personal essays that touch upon everything from racism to the cultural appropriation of American yoga, from consumerism to cannabis. And while the timing couldn't be better considering the current cultural climate, the idea for the book came to her years ago while she was writing her first book, Every Body Yoga, a guide to developing a yoga practice. "I realized yoga is a lot more than postures," she tells PEOPLE. "The postures get to be more complicated, not because you're practicing harder gymnastics or physical postures, but because you're practicing emotional and mental and really spiritual postures." In fact, she says, yoga is not supposed to feel good. Take the example of someone expecting a Zen-like experience from a yoga practice - only to be disappointed. "You're like, 'This is hard. Everyone else seems to know what they're doing. I am not good enough, I shouldn't be doing this, maybe my body is supposed to look different, maybe my life's supposed to be different.' All these feelings start to come up. That's what the postures are leading you towards, is to have that experience." RELATED: Jessamyn Stanley Found Body Acceptance Through Yoga and Can Help You Do the Same Stanley has been nurturing this self-awareness in the nearly 10 years since she has been breaking barriers in the yoga world, tackling topics like fat-shaming, her queer Black identity and unattainable beauty standards. In Yoke - which means yoga in Sanskrit - she uses her own life as a a metaphor to further explore the coming together of mind and body, light and the dark, good and the bad - both on and off the mat. "I wanted to reflect on what it is to practice yoga when we are as a society being forced to reckon with the long, deep, systemic, down-to-the-bone problems. We're being forced to look at things that we've never wanted to look at. And that's all that yoga is, is looking at the things that you don't want to look at. And ultimately, come hell or high water, accepting them." Story continues Workman Publishing


Modern lifestyle has given rise to many diseases. In ancient times people used to eat healthy, breathe clean air and most importantly they involved themselves in many physical activities. But nowadays we are constantly working in front of computers. Instead of eating healthy home-made food, people prefer to eat unhealthy rust foods outside. Instead of practicing their time in parks or doing yoga, most people prefer to spend their time in Dominos, McDonalds, Cafes and Dining Restaurants etc. Physical activities, stress and lack of good food have given rise to many diseases, among them diabetes has become a common health problem which is making millions of people all over the world. 

Diabetes is a lifelong disease and taking chemical process pills or taking medicines for the whole life has serious effects on the body. Here we are telling you about those herbs which can help in regulating your glucose and controlling blood sugar level in diabetes.

Now, the question that comes naturally to your mind is how to identify diabetes. So you do not have to worry about it because after reading this article you will get answers to all the questions related to diabetes symptoms and ayurvedic treatments. 

What is Diabetes?

When the amount of glucose in the blood is high and it starts passing urine, it is called diabetes. In other words, when the amount of blood glucose or blood sugar in a person exceeds, it is called diabetes.

Early sign & symptoms of Diabetes

There are following some major symptoms which should not ignore at early stage of Diabetes:

  1. Excessive thirst- The major symptom of diabetes is excessive thirst. Usually, we drink water when we are thirsty, which erases our thirst, but it is not so in the case of diabetes, but a person feels very thirsty and has to drink water again and again when he has diabetes.
  2. Frequent urination- Due to frequent drinking of water in diabetes, a person has to go for frequent urination. Usually, people consider it as a kidney symptom, but they should not reach any decision as it can also be a sign of diabetes.
  3. Excessive hunger- often, you must have seen people who keep eating once in a while. Most make fun of such people and tease them by calling them 'hungry'. But at times, it can be a sign of diabetes, it may prove better to report it to the doctor for the person suffering from it.
  4. Sudden weight loss- If a person is losing weight fast enough, then he should not ignore this problem as it can be a symptom of diabetes.
  5. Fatigue- However, we all get tired after working long enough. It is a natural thing to happen, but when a person gets tired after a little hard work, it is not common because it can be a symptom of diabetes.
  6. Blurry vision- Diabetes causes many body parts effects, most of which affect the eyes. The fluctuations in the blood sugar disrupt the blood vessels which supply blood to the eyes. Due to this, the image and color start to appear blurred and due to this the retina also swells.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetes 

Bitter Gourd

Drinking bitter gourd juice every morning on an empty stomach helps to reduce the level of sugar and relieves the frequent urination. It has an active ingredient called Charalant which helps in lowering blood sugar levels. 

How to consume

Make a powder out of its seeds and consume it daily in the morning. 


Triphala is one of the most widely available herbs in Ayurveda to treat diseases. As its name suggests, Triphala is a combination of 3 fruits. All these three fruits are powerful herbs and Triphala combines the valuable medicinal properties of these three. It helps in pancreatic function and promotes insulin levels.

How to use consume

You can consume a spoonful of powder with warm water or consult a specialist doctor before taking it to avoid major changes in blood sugar levels.

Vijaysar Powder 

The bark of the Vijayasara tree is nothing less than a boon for diabetics. It not only helps in controlling blood sugar levels but is also effective in promoting insulin star and removing excess fat from the body. It maintains healthy lipid levels in the blood and prevents various problems associated with diabetes. Ayurvedic texts describe Vijayasara as an excellent herb for diabetes.

How to consume

You can take powder or powder of its bark with water.

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is known for its powerful healing powers and is found exclusively in everyone's kitchen. It lowers blood sugar levels and also helps in solving the root causes of diabetes.

How to consume

For effective and quick results, you can take turmeric with amla. In addition, you must include 2 to 3 grams of turmeric in your diet.

Indian Blackberries (Jamun)

Jamun contain glycosides that help to restrict blood sugar levels. It acts as a powerful herb for diabetes and reduces the effect of diabetes by turning sugar into energy.

How to consume

Make a fine powder by grinding the berries seeds and take 3 grams of powder with buttermilk twice a day.


Gudmar means the elimination of sugar and is traditionally used in Ayurveda to treat diabetes. It increases insulin in the body and helps in lowering blood sugar levels. This slows down the process of absorbing fat and conversion of sugar. Also helps in the body's metabolic activities. Helps in maintaining balance of weight and also maintains correct levels of cholesterol in the blood.

How to consume

Chew a few leaves of Gudmar daily or make tea with 400mg of Gudmar powder.


Shilajit inhibits glucose in the blood effect and helps in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. That is why it is also called "diabetic eradication". It stimulates pancreatic functioning and stimulates insulin secretion and helps reduce dependence on external insulin intake. It also helps to relieve fatigue due to diabetes.

How to consume

You can use 100 mg Shilajit powder daily.

Azadirachta Indica (Neem)

Neem leaves are full of medicinal properties and are also easily available. Neem balances Kapha dosha and reduces insulin dependence. According to Vedic and traditional health related texts, it is very effective in improving diabetes. This not only reduces the sugar levels in the body but also helps in normalizing the blood flow.

How to consume

To prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular complications, you can chew four to five leaves of neem or consume neem juice. It can also help you reduce your dependence on insulin intake.

Bael Patra

According to Ayurveda, due to the countless benefits of Bael Patra, it is used as a medicine for diabetes. Bael prevents many diseases, one of them being "diabetes".

How to consume

If you are worried about your high blood sugar level, quickly grind a few leaves of bael, extract them and add black pepper and a pinch of salt to about 20 ml of juice. Take it to reduce high blood sugar level in your blood.

Black Paper

Black pepper is considered beneficial for type 2 diabetes. With the help of black pepper, blood sugar levels can be prevented from increasing. It is considered as a major antioxidant which helps in reducing the serous levels in diabetes patients.

How to consume

Take 5 black peppers and 5 basil leaves together and eat on an empty stomach in the morning.


Fenugreek seeds contain trigonelline and alkaloids which are helpful in lowering blood sugar levels. They also slow down the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

How to consume

Grind the seeds of fenugreek and make it powder; Take one spoon of powder daily in the morning. You can also drink tea made from it. If you are a pregnant woman or you have given birth to a child or if you are trying to conceive then avoid using it. It is safe to use for others, but they should not be consumed for more than 6 months.

We hope that by reading this article, people will have got the necessary information about diabetes home treatments and they will have got answers to the questions related to it.

Jessamyn Stanley needs you to know what yoga is really about - and it's not the poses. In her new book Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance, the yoga instructor and body activist shares reflective personal essays that touch upon everything from racism to the cultural appropriation of American yoga, from consumerism to cannabis. And while the timing couldn't be better considering the current cultural climate, the idea for the book came to her years ago while she was writing her first book, Every Body Yoga, a guide to developing a yoga practice. "I realized yoga is a lot more than postures," she tells PEOPLE. "The postures get to be more complicated, not because you're practicing harder gymnastics or physical postures, but because you're practicing emotional and mental and really spiritual postures." In fact, she says, yoga is not supposed to feel good. Take the example of someone expecting a Zen-like experience from a yoga practice - only to be disappointed. "You're like, 'This is hard. Everyone else seems to know what they're doing. I am not good enough, I shouldn't be doing this, maybe my body is supposed to look different, maybe my life's supposed to be different.' All these feelings start to come up. That's what the postures are leading you towards, is to have that experience." RELATED: Jessamyn Stanley Found Body Acceptance Through Yoga and Can Help You Do the Same Stanley has been nurturing this self-awareness in the nearly 10 years since she has been breaking barriers in the yoga world, tackling topics like fat-shaming, her queer Black identity and unattainable beauty standards. In Yoke - which means yoga in Sanskrit - she uses her own life as a a metaphor to further explore the coming together of mind and body, light and the dark, good and the bad - both on and off the mat. "I wanted to reflect on what it is to practice yoga when we are as a society being forced to reckon with the long, deep, systemic, down-to-the-bone problems. We're being forced to look at things that we've never wanted to look at. And that's all that yoga is, is looking at the things that you don't want to look at. And ultimately, come hell or high water, accepting them." Story continues Workman Publishing